Meet Giulia


Combined studies BA MFHT

Sports massage

Reharmonising and Unwinding


I enjoy working with a person, and helping them get back in the flow, make changes in their lives and see them flourish. In the last ten years I have felt more and more comfortable incorporating bodywork into my practice, and I think this is where I feel most at home.

I trained in sports massage as it was the very extreme end of the spectrum from the Kinesiology energy balancing I have done since 1996. Over the years I have realized the power of incorporating them both into wonderfully relaxing treatments with a strong healing potential. The point when we are most relaxed is when the most change can occur.

As a result of twenty years experience working one-to-one with so many different personalities and loving the diversity and beauty of individuals, I have strengthened my intuitive abilities; this has been helped by practicing Chi Gung for many years as well as gardening, dancing and painting, all of which I find keep my spirit strong and my feet grounded!

Holistic Massage Therapy at the Courtyard Clinic with Giulia provides deep relaxation and relief from pain and tension. It can help depression and emotional symptoms and make a person feel more positive about their life or just be a really chilled experience! If you just want a normal massage, nothing too deep, let Giulia know, otherwise she will use any of the following techniques:

  • Reharmonising and Unwinding
  • Light or firm touch of Chinese acupoints, when accessing energetic pathways in the body
  • Trigger points in taut bands of muscular tissue
  • Sports Massage techniques
  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Shiatsu-techniques for massage

She can often ascertain what underlying emotional and nutritional imbalances a person may have that correspond to their concerns around their physical condition.